Our Services

What We offer

Preparing SWPPP:
$525 (from site plans)

Send us your site plans and we will compose a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) specific to your construction activities. These guidelines and management practices will closely adhere to the TCEQ’s suggested storm water pollution prevention guidelines.

Notice of Intent (NOI):
$400 (permit fee included)

Once a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is in place, we will submit the necessary documents and forms on your behalf to the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to secure a Notice of Intent (NOI) permit for your development site. This fee includes the state assessed permit fees for the NOI.

Notice of Change (NOC): priced upon request

Notice of Change must be submitted when changed site plans increase the amount of acreage to be disturbed (less disturbance does not need to be submitted) or the area disturbed, a change in operator occurs, or other information originally provided in the NOI has changed.

Notice of Termination (NOT):
$25 with NOI preparations

At the conclusion of your development project, a Notice of Termination must be filed with TCEQ to terminate your permit/NOI for the development site and clear all TCEQ permits. We’d be happy in assisting you with closing your permits. The above price is listed per location, with original NOI submission.

How long will processing my SWPPP take?

✅ Only 3 business days for a complete SWPPP

2 business days for a NOI

I'm ready to get started. What should I do next?

Let’s start by filling out the SWPPP form. If you need additional help, please feel free to contact us.